Unlock opportunities to drive revenue growth while scaling up your financial reporting platform efficiency
Whether you are looking to deploy a CECL application, upgrade your spreadsheet-based financial solutions or improve your antiquated reporting systems, we have the domain knowledge and the technology expertise to assist you.
We are ready to put our seasoned technologists at your service to help your organization:
- Eliminate data siloes and antiquated systems to unify data into one trusted centralized hub
- Automate the data integration and data cleaning process
- Streamline reporting processes and analyze performance data to help improve the profitability of products, customers, and operations
- Deploy automated workflow systems for efficiency
- Develop customer 360 solution to better serve and engage with customers, build brand loyalty and enhance the customer experience
- Implement compliance and auditing solutions to manage more effectively corporate governance, risk, compliance, and audit processes
CECL or Current Expected Credit Losses is the new credit loss accounting standard, issued by the FASB to replace the current Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses accounting (ALLL).
We can help you develop a cutting edge financial accounting platform and move up the industry ranks while driving revenue growth.
Key advantages
Customized mobile application
Insightful, interactive reporting
Centralized data warehouse
Executive dashboard with customizable scenarios
Improved management reporting
Automated allowance calculations
Qualitative, forward-looking insights