Chat Intell - Analytics Intell

Extend Data Access for Everyone using Natural Language, Regardless of Technical Skills.

Join the revolution of data intelligence for everyone with ChatIntell and experience the power of getting answers from your data quickly and easily.

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What Is ChatIntell?

ChatIntell is more than just a regular chatbot. It leverages the power of generative AI to analyze vast amounts of data from various data sources. This innovative solution brings intelligence and efficiency to urban management, transforming how cities operate and interact with their citizens.

If your city feels like a puzzle, ChatIntell is the missing piece you've been searching for. In the heart of bustling cities, data is a hidden gold mine that has largely remained untapped until now. ChatIntell harnesses this power, transforming endless streams of data from IoT devices, sensors, and cameras into actionable insights.

The Value of ChatIntell

ChatIntell Analyzes massive volume of data and provide answers prompted questions through conversations using natural language.

Extend Data Access

Easily connects to existing data sources extend access to information and knowledge through natural language.
Seamlessly integrate into existing web-based applications and rapidly extend access to information and knowledge.

Boost Productivity

ChatIntell will help employees complete most tasks easily, faster, and correctly while enhancing efficiency and reduce cost.


Optimize your workforce by enhancing its skills and capabilities, improve productivity, and reduce workload and stress.
Automating and streamlining tasks, increase quality and accuracy, and reduce errors and cost.

Data Intelligence

Have access to the data you need when you need it without having to dig through endless queries. The power of knowledge at your fingertips.

Key Features

Extend Data Access

Easily connects to existing data sources extend access to information and knowledge through natural language.

Self-Service Analytics

Get answers from data quickly and easily through conversation regardless of technical skills.

Embedded Analytics

Seamlessly integrate into existing applications and rapidly extend access to information and knowledge.

Seamless Integration

Effortlessly integrates into existing web-based application and rapidly extends access to knowledge and information through conversations using natural language.

Smart Cities, Data Unlocked.

At Analytics Intell, we are not just participants in this new era of smart cities; we are leaders. Join us as we shape the future, ensuring a smarter, more sustainable tomorrow for everyone. Dive into the age of ChatIntell, where data meets urban development and possibilities become endless.

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