Benefits of finding a BI partner to capture business insights

By Christian Jabon, Vice President, Business Solutions, Analytics Intell

In 2020, business leaders are facing uncertainties and day-to-day impact on operations. With greater pressure to find insights in the near term without sacrificing long-term growth, the charge is to make proactive decisions to drive efficiencies, identify opportunities and drive incremental revenue.

Data and intelligence are needed now more than ever to find the path forward. Yet, IT leaders find that they must work with limited resources and cost restraints. If you are considering developing an in-house business intelligence framework or are now faced with making critical resourcing decisions to maintain functionality of your platform – consider engaging a business intelligence company to capture business insights.

At first pass, outsourcing may seem to be an isolated option to drive the insights you need. But the power behind a fully integrated, intelligent enterprise is the technical capability to work across departments to gather data and identify intelligence that leads to stronger, actionable insights.

The unique collaboration of business functions, applications, tools and devices is what makes outsourcing scenarios special. Bringing in an outside partner with business intelligence as a core competency, enables organizations to create processes that can scale up and scale down while adding critical capabilities.

Here are five benefits of sourcing an outside partner for your business intelligence framework:

  1. Save on Costs and Time
    Developing an in-house BI framework requires significant labor resources, installation and machinery – and can take a significant amount of time to test and make mistakes through the process. By outsourcing a service provider with a team of domain and industry experts, companies reduce management overhead, labor costs and set-up time.
  2. Smarter Resource Allocation
    Implementing a new divisional structure requires investment in recruiting, onboarding and training. By outsourcing these services, human resources can now spend their effort on other important areas needing operational and managerial attention.
  3. Faster Adaptation to Trends in Innovation
    Maintaining a BI infrastructure requires continuous updates and modifications. By working with a BI provider, these companies are already updating to the latest and greatest innovative functionalities and algorithms to help you remain competitive.
  4. Greater Accuracy
    Data governance and management is also part of the service offered by a BI service provider, so accurate data is being collected. Data is uniform, consistent and deployed across the enterprise for a single version of the truth.
  5. Scalability & Reliability
    With a BI partner, you get dedicated support along the way. And in times of crises or business disruptions, experts remain available to assist with new requests and provide support commensurate with the task at hand. When you need to make new developments, new tasks can be submitted and prioritized without adding to staff to the payroll.

When you find a company that understands that treats business intelligence like a process and not a project, the team will adapt to your changing business requirements.

Though this approach is an effective and smart solution for most companies, it is important for companies to do their homework and identify the right vendors and platforms. Some of the things to look for in an outsourcing partner are a demonstration of technical ability, a track record of performance in your business category, and a history of reliability with references.

When companies work with business intelligence partners, they have access to pre-built and custom solutions, as well as consulting services to help them stay on track and pay attention to the important decisions facing their business.

Learn more about developing a business Intelligence platform

Analytics Intell is a full-service global data technology company that helps businesses of all sizes build intelligent analytics applications, fully integrated within your enterprise, to optimize data assets and drive business performance. We help organizations plan, design, implement and deploy complete analytics solutions to provide deeper insights and better decision making.

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